Nouns and pronouns Pronouns
Reflexive pronouns describe that you did something on your own.
I made this myself.
You use reciprocal pronouns when at least two people are involved in a mutual action.
Help each other!
Demonstrative pronouns replace a thing.
this/these: close by
that/those: farther away
Possessive pronouns show what belongs to whom.
That chicken is mine!
Anyone: any human being
Everyone: certain group
Anyone can cook. But not everyone likes it.
Anything: any item you can imagine
Everything: any item of a certain group
Do we need anything? No, we have everything.
Reflexive pronouns: you did something on your own
Reciprocal pronouns: mutual action
Demonstrative pronouns: replace a thing
Possessive pronouns show what belongs to whom
Anyone: any human being / Everyone: certain group
Anything: any item / Everything: any item of a certain group